Cyber security unveiled for ship bridge equipment

Cyber security unveiled for ship bridge equipment

Cyber security unveiled for ship bridge equipment

Cyber security revealed for ship bridge systems

Totem Plus has upgraded its bridge and automation offering by adding cyber defence from Naval Dome. The two companies have an agreement to provide cyber security to PC-based navigation and automation, including radar, ECDIS, integrated alarm monitoring, voyage data recorder (VDR) and bridge alert management systems.
These two Israel-based companies have supplied Naval Dome security on a series of systems installed on a 5,000 TEU container ship, including an integrated monitoring, alarm and control unit, VDR and ECDIS.
Totem Plus chief executive officer Azriel Rahav said this is the maritime multi-layer cyber defence solution for its navigation and automation systems. “I do not think any other ECDIS provider can offer this level of security without impacting performance,” he claimed in a statement.
Naval Dome can also be offered as a standalone device, “It does not have to be integrated, so it can be used with any connected or unconnected system on board a ship,” said Capt Rahav. “It is intelligence-grade cyber protection that requires minimal human interaction.”
Navigation systems on ships are increasingly vulnerable to cyber attacks because of growing levels of broadband connectivity. “Although there is a concerted effort to ensure ship systems and data are properly protected, ECDIS is a weak link,” said Naval Dome chief executive Itai Sela. “If not protected, ECDIS can provide hackers with an easily penetrable ‘back door’ to ship systems and data, due to the frequency with which chart information is downloaded.”
Earlier in November, Naval Dome signed a memorandum of understanding with Lloyd’s Register to help establish standards and guidelines for maritime cyber defence.
“The threat is very real and hackers are becoming increasingly more sophisticated in the methods they use to access data and manipulate system information,” said Mr Sela.


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